Support Us

The Living Bridge is, at its core, a group project.
Our strength lies in our numbers.
In the diversity of our community.
The consciousness of the collective.

We are The Living Bridge.

“Community does not solve the problem of pluralism by obliterating diversity. Instead it seeks out diversity, welcomes other points of view, embraces opposites, desires to see the other side of every issue. It is “wholistic.” It integrates us human beings into a functioning mystical body." – M Scott Peck

How You Can Help in Spring 2025

As we get our feet off the ground you can help us in any combination of the following ways:

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    One way you can help is by donating some of your most precious resource, your time. Help us by spreading the word, joining our events or volunteering.

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    Perhaps you have certain skills which can help us bridge the gap. Maybe you're a graphic designer, an event organizer, a poet, an educator or facilitator, with gifts to offer.

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    At the moment our organization is powered entirely by the generosity of those who believe in our vision. Please check below for ways you can contribute financially.

Direct Donations

If you'd instead prefer to donate to us directly via bank transfer, here are our banking details:

Account Name: The Living Bridge

IBAN: PL 98124068301111001150423503